Journal Entry One

I started attending Florida Gulf Coast University almost four years ago now, this semester being my final before graduation. I moved over to this coast from Fort Lauderdale in hopes to pursue a Software Engineering degree. Before signing up to take this Colloquium course, I had a few preset ideas about what it all entails. My understanding is that Colloquium is the focus on our environmental surroundings, and how we as a people can play a role in  its sustainability and conservation. Our environment is unfortunately overlooked at times and taken for granted, and it is our moral duty to preserve its well being for generations to come. As far back as I can remember I have loved exploring the outdoors and all the mysteries that come along with it. I have been to some beautiful National Parks, but one that stands out the most can be seen below: Cuyahoga Valley in Ohio.
Winter 2017
I took this picture on my last trip up north, something I like to do whenever I get an opportunity to do so. Sights like this show me how important a class like Colloquium can be, so we can learn to protect places like these National Parks. From this class, I expect to learn a number of different things; the most important would have to be how to interact with our environment in a way that promotes sustainability. I hope to learn about some pioneers in environmental activities in our area surrounding the University, since Florida Gulf Coast is extremely big on topics like these. It would be interesting to learn about the people who started to make the community more aware of actions that can be taken to lead a more conservative lifestyle. Everything I expect to learn in this course will play a key role in teaching me how I can contribute to my sense of place in the outdoors. Although my major is Software Engineering, I do not wish to be stuck in front of a computer screen for the entirety of my life. I look forward to broadening my sense of place and learning just how I can play a role to sustain it.  


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